Using This Site

Readin this site

The is an online museum organized as a series of topical "exhibits" or sections. The exhibits can be viewed individually based on specific interests or they can be viewed sequentially, similar to walking through the rooms of a museum, or reading a book.

To view the museum sequentially, please begin with the "Overview " exhibit and proceed through "References" by simply selecting the "Next" link at the bottom of each page. You can select exhibits by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page. Each exhibit is into sub-sections which you can select on the lefthand menus.

Finally, all pages of the exhibits are available in Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF format, so that they may be downloaded or printed for offline reading. Just click on the "Print this Page" icon for the PDF version of the file, which you may print out or save for future reading. In the "Using this Site: Printing this Site" section you will see that entire exhibits, as well as the entire web site, are assembled in PDF format for your convenience.

Please note that the exhibits will be updated and expanded frequently, so pay attention to the "Last Edited On" notice at the end of each PDF file.

We hope you find a useful resource for learning. Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions on improving the web site by contacting us at [email protected].